
The Toddler Mom

Hmmm, let's see..."marbles and sanity".
Will those two words ever go in the same sentence when you are blessed with the superpowers of being a toddler mom!?

We can't lose our marbles, no way! There are days when maintaining a healthy level of sanity isn't easy but hey...somebody has got to do it. After all "SuperMom" does mean we can do it ALL, right?

We can save the world 100% of the time dressed in heels, cooking the meals, wheeling the kids around town with an awesome shape and a killer smile. Right?!
Well moms, there's never an appropriate moment for us to have our own personal pitty parties because we are too busy tending to everyone else's! So grab your cape off the floor and strap up...we are going in!!
It's Mommy Chronicles Time!!!

I mean who are we kidding, waking up at 6am to a little voice demanding breakfast is pretty cool. Right? Listening to a whiney little voice reject the same breakfast they just got you up at 6 in the morning for, is even cooler. right? LOL. Can you feel the sarcasm dripping off these words? Wait now, don't get too sensitive being a toddler mom is a JOY but it's not always a walk in the park. In fact, some days those "walks in the park" are conveniently in the middle of torrential down pours and once again you were too busy putting out pitty party fires to grab your umbrella!

Now how exactly do you maintain some sense of sanity living in a world of a 2 year old. Wait, you did know it is their world right? Well, here's the answer...You have to speak their language!
Toddlers are at an age where they have begun to walk and discover. One thing they discover first is "Independence".

Each day of independence in a toddlers mind can be taxing on parenthood.  Of course we want our babies to be self-sufficient and independent but at this 'toddler stage' of life the child isn't the least bit conscience of “their position” lol. Let me make this simple. Repeat after me, "I am the PARENT, and you are the CHILD".  There's their position. That one phrase will save you from a lot of extra explaining in your daily parenting.

You most certainly want to encourage their freedom by engaging them in independent activities but they also have to understand the meaning of the word "NO". You are guiding them through this newfound independence but like everything else in this world, there are boundaries and this is the perfect stage for you to teach them this. The word “NO” is the beginning of the “breakdown” or breakup of the parent-toddler connection to say the least.

"No" is a word that has no positive meaning with a toddler. If we don't explain the “why” after the “no”; the child may not understand. In order for parents to have some comfort, joy, love, peace and happiness (yes all of that LOL) in their lives while raising a toddler; simple changes and words can make a world of difference.

You want to let children know their boundaries in the midst of your teachable moments so remember...that dirty word "no" may come up often.
Teaching and Guiding Independence
1. Incorporate your toddler in household chores.
2. Teach your child how to organize toys and how to clean their bedroom
3. Expose them to a variety of situations, people, places and things.
4. Give them a little responsibility outside of the home. Example: Grocery Shopping | let your child help put groceries in the cart
5. Manners. This is simple.  By displaying manners to your child, your child will reciprocate.

Practice what you preach. The toddler stage is a spongey one. They absorb everything around them. Be sure to let them absorb your SuperPowers and sometime supermoms just have to say "NO"!!

Signing Off,
Toddler Mom

The T. M. Chronicles
Written by @royalbeautyv and Miisha Clemons

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