

By RoyalBeautyV
© February 27, 2013

Spring Forward to March

Check me out with my natural hair all out and pulled up into an up-do! I actually like it too but you all know I do not like the labor behind it lol.
Ok blah blah blah…enough about that, we are about to enter into a new month and Beauty Intoxicated is going to drop a few "DID YOU KNOW" golden nuggets about this month that you may not have been aware of and we would like to educate you.

Any kindergardener knows that March is the 3rd month of the year but DID YOU KNOW that once upon a time March was the beginning of the year? The early roman calendar designated March as the beginning of the year at a time where the full calendar year only contained 10months. Around this time March was also recognized as the month that wars resumed. The name of this month originated from the Greek God of War "Mars", hence its English name "March".

On our modern-day calendar this month symbolizes a time to "create & expand". How exciting is that!! This year we get to experience Easter, day-light savings and the beginning of a new season all in one month and that alone makes me what to create and expand…how about you?!! When Spring is in the air everybody loves to celebrate!

Beauty Intoxicated encourages our readers to begin to creating NOW and let those creative juices flowing!! You designed your vision board in January and hopefully formulated a plan for your short term goals in February, now it's time to get moving!
Spring forward to March!!